Confessions of a Foodie

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Friday, March 26, 2010

Someone's in the kitchen with Robin...

There are things in this life that we need to survive: Air. Water. Food. Shelter helps, as do family and friends. But without air, water and food, survival just ain't happenin'.

Unless one has breathing problems or no access to clean water, most of us don't think of air or water. But food...We think of it, discuss it with friends and family, consider everything about it. The tastes, textures, colors, recipes...What's not to consider?

If you've posted or lurked on bulletin boards, chances are you've found threads dealing with food. Facebook discussions frequently drift toward food. One recent discussion several friends of mine and I had dealth with clam chowder: red vs. white; the irony of using canned when several of us live very close to the coast; to add salt or not...which then drifted to weird sandwhiches using salt, tons of mayo and who-knows-what-all.

What is our obsession with food? Well, again, we do have to eat. What we eat (and don't eat) can affect our health. And there's the whole cultural food thing: Grow up in the Northeastern U.S., chances are you've had Cream of Wheat and oatmeal for breakfast, while Southerners know that grits are king.

So...stick around. I plan to post recipes, food stories, an occasional food fact...Anything food related. Feel free to comment, share, post...Pull up a cup of coffee or tea and enjoy!

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